Wizart's, "The Snow Queen"

Wizart's, "The Snow Queen"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

An Angel in Disguise

Short Fictitious Comedy by J. J. Polizzi

If you cannot read on this blog, go to http://polizzi.deviantart.com/art/An-Angel-in-Disguise-304103257?q=gallery%3Apolizzi%2F16985534&qo=13.  Thank you.

The story takes place outside the park.  It is a beautiful day, filled with birds singing, squirrels collecting nuts, the trees feeling the breeze from the wind, the sky clear light blue, the air smells fresh, the sun bright, and gentle wind blowing in the air while the leaves dance in the air.  The park has many sidewalks, a playground for children to play, benches, kiosks, and a water park in case of summer. 

In the park filled with crowded people walking and minding their own businesses, three girls, two brunettes named Rachael and Diana, and a blonde named Dory, are about to do a photography project.  Rachael and Diana dressed up Dory as an angel statue, so that they can take pictures of her in the park.  Dory’s angel costume is gray, and dyed her hair gray to portray as an angel.  She had to wear flip flops, so that she can take pictures in barefoot.
The girls found a perfect concrete bench where the rest of the concrete benches surround the water fountain at the courtyard of the park, for Dory to stand.  She stands onto the concrete bench, and starts posing towards Rachael and Diane.  The girls take out their photo cameras, and start taking pictures at Dory, and became very happy for their work.  For the final pose, Dory stands her left toes onto the concrete bench, spreads her arms out around her waist (almost like she is flying), and raises her right foot up to an angle.  Rachael and Diane became very astonished for that pose, that they have decided to get good pictures from a far view.  Dory accepts their request, keeps that pose, and waits for the girls to find a good view to taking pictures.

Suddenly, while Dory poses upon the concrete bench, she hears three no-good boys coming while talking, for they too are doing a photography project.  One of them is a bulky with short brown hair named Brad, the other is thin named Slim (long brown hair that covers his eyes), and the last is an obese Otto (short brown hair that combs down).  They are nothing but trouble makers, for they always harass the girls for their pleasure.  They even peaked inside the girls’ locker room as peeping toms.  Plus, they steal their flip flops, sliders, and other shoes to force those poor girls to walk barefoot.
To the boys’ astonishment, they see an angel statue, which is Dory as an angel statue.  They do not know that it was her in disguise as an angel statue.  They assume that it is a real angel statue.  They decided to take pictures with Dory, in disguise as a statue.  Brad decided to pose with the blonde so that Slim and Otto can take pictures.

Dory stands still feeling terrified, for she knows that if she makes one false move, she could be the laughing stock of her own school.  Also, those boys might do something terrible to her.  After Rachael and Diane found a decent location to take pictures from a far view, they see the boys taking pictures.  They feel terrified and sorry for their friend Dory.

Brad enjoys posing with Dory, in disguise as an angel statue, while Slim and Otto take pictures with their photo cameras.  His first pose is embracing her from behind by placing his chest upon her back, and wraps his arms around her waist.  Amazingly for Dory, he cannot tell that the statue is real.  All he cares about is enjoying is pose with no feelings of things and/or others but himself.  His second pose is kissing her upon her lips.  Third pose, standing right next to her, and embrace her waist again like he was dancing with her like a ballerina.  Fourth pose, pose as her.  And his final pose, and probably disturbing, is kissing her right foot like he is having a foot fetish or becoming the angel’s servant.  Amazingly for Dory, he could not even tell that it was her by the smell of her feet.  Brad is senseless for his nose never knows, but his own nose.  Slim and Otto enjoyed taking pictures with Brad, until they too decided to get good pictures from a far view.  Brad accepts their requests, and waits for them to find a good spot before he makes another pose. 

While waiting beside her right, Brad speaks to Dory, in disguise as an angel statue, like she is alive, “Looks like you and I are going to have great times together, aye sweet cheeks?”  He slaps her buttocks.  Dory feels angry and in rage.  With Slim and Otto are looking for a spot, she spins swiftly like a ballerina to her left, and kicks her right barefoot towards Brad’s face.  Brad, in fear, sees her kicked him.  He falls to the ground feeling hurt and terrified.  He assumes that the angel comes to life to punish him.  She shouts to Brad like she is preaching, “Thou shalt smite the wicked for their incompetent pleasure!”  Brad shrieks feeling frightened, “Have mercy!”  She starts beating him up by punching, slapping, and kicking him.  Rachael, Diana, and the people of the park, gaze at Dory, in disguise as an angel statue, fighting against Brad.  He could not fight back, for he is very frightened, and still did not notice that it was Dory beating him up.  Slim and Otto are still looking for a spot, and did not notice people gazing at the fight. 

With her final blow as Brad lies down the ground helpless, she kicks him upon his cheek which causes him to hit his head to the concrete bench, and lie onto the ground unconscious.  She stood beside him, and watches him lie unconscious.  She never felt victorious after all the harassment that he and his friends did to her and to her friends.  After Rachael, Diana, and the people of the park watched the fight, they become shocked and astonished of her actions.  Dory had an idea.  She places Brad beside the concrete bench as part of his pose to make it look like that he has been beaten and drunk, and returns to her pose.  She sees the people staring at her, and she says to them, “Hey, I’m doing a photography project.”  She returns her head to her pose.  Lucky for her, Brad was too unconscious to hear what she said to the people of the park.  The people return to their businesses.  Rachael and Diana became relieved for her friend. 

At last, Slim and Otto found a perfect location to take pictures from a far view.  However, they could not see or find Brad around Dory, in disguise as an angel statue.  They came back, and saw him beaten up and unconscious with his back laid upon the concrete bench, behind Dory where her pointed right foot is.  The boys became shocked and very astonished for they assume that he must have put make up on his face to make it look like he was beaten up by somebody or someone, as part of his next pose.  As a result, they start taking pictures of him portraying as a beaten up drunk. 

After Slim and Otto have taken pictures, they ask Brad what his next pose would be.  Brad would not respond, for he still lies on the ground feeling unconscious.  They come up close to Brad, looked at him closely, and realize that he is really beaten up.  They carry him with Slim at his head and Otto at his feet, and took him away from the park to aid him. 

Rachael and Diana come to Dory in excitement.  Dory steps down from the concrete benches, and she, Rachael, and Diana embrace each other.  Dory says to Rachael and Diana that she never felt so alive to confront the boys after all the harassment they have been through.  Dory feels like a true angel, an angel in disguise.  And so, the girls left the park to head on home. 

Next typical day after photography class at high school, Brad, Slim, and Otto come up in front of Dory, Rachael, and Diana,  and apologizes for what they did was wrong to harass them.  Brad says that he was confronted by an angel for his wrongdoings.  The girls decided to keep it secret for they do not want Brad and his friends to know the real truth.  He and his boys decided to be friends or perhaps their slaves if Brad ever gets confronted by the angel again.  The girls forgive the boys, and decided to be friends.  On YouTube (internet), somebody or someone in the crowd from yesterday has videotaped Dory, in disguise as an angel statue, beating up Brad, and posted it to viewers, receiving more than a million viewers, with one hundred thousand thumbs up.

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