Wizart's, "The Snow Queen"

Wizart's, "The Snow Queen"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Disney's Strangled

Short Fictitious Horror Comedy Parody by J. J. Polizzi
Based on Disney's, "Tangled"

If you cannot read the story on this blog, go to http://polizzi.deviantart.com/art/Disney-s-Strangled-159211574?q=gallery%3Apolizzi%2F16985534&qo=23.  Thank you.

Announcer: From Walt Disney Pictures, comes a story about a princess, who grows a very long golden hair and lives in her tower for 18 years, after she was captured by a wicked witch. She soon discovers that her hair can move, and decided to use her hair for a very special purpose...revenge. 

Man 1: Hey sis, where you going? 

Woman 1: To that tower just right next to the river. What do you think lives in that tower. 

Man 1: I don't know, maybe a monster or something. Come on, let's go home. 

Woman 1: Wait a minute, I know the words that I have heard from that witch, Madame Gothel. I saw her at the tower once who spoke the words to have someone in the tower to lend out some kind of force, to let her in. 

Woman 1: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. 

Man 1: How would I know that someone in the tower would lend some kind of force to let you in. 

(Rapunzel's hair comes down from the tower.) 

Woman 1: Look bro, it's a hair. A very long golden hair. 

(Rapunzel's hair tangles the woman's neck.) 

Woman 1: (Screaming) 

Man 1: Oh my God! What are you doing to my sister? Let her go! 

(Rapunzel's hair lets the woman go, and the woman dies at the ground.) 

Man 1: Oh my God, my sister is dead! Rapunzel, you sick twisted, stuck up bi... 

(Rapunzel's hair tangles the man's neck.) 

Man 1: (Screaming) 

(Rapunzel's hair lets the man go, and the man dies on top of the woman.) 

(Rapunzel came down from her tower with her own hair, and lands safely on the ground.) 

Rapunzel: At last, after 18 years of torture in the tower, I am free. And now, first things first...revenge. 

Announcer: Walt Disney Pictures, "Strangled." 

(Rapunzel having sex with Flynn Rider.) 

Rapunzel: Oh Flynn, oh yes! Yes, yes, YES! 

Flynn Rider: Oh Rapunzel, oh yes! Yeah baby, YEAH! 

(Rapunzel and Flynn Rider resting on the bed.) 

Rapunzel: My God, Flynn. I have never met a man who can do it like that. 

Flynn Rider: I know. I've done that many times on every women as I pass by, stealing possessions. And I never wear a condom. 

Rapunzel: Oh really? 

(Rapunzel's hair uncovers the blanket.) 

Flynn Rider: Hey, what are you doing. 

(Rapunzel's right side of her hair hold's Flynn's dingy, while her left side of her hair forms into a sword." 

Flynn Rider: What are doing to my dingy. No...wait...stop... 

(Rapunzel's chops off Flynn's dingy.) 

Flynn Rider: (Screaming) 

Man 2: We found Flynn Rider, but he's pronounced dead. 

Man 3: How can that be, we were so close to capture him for reward. 

Man 2: Well, somebody, or someone, beat us too it. I guess we can kiss the reward goodbye. 

Man 3: Shhh, what was that? Something is making a noise, I think it's coming from the ceiling. 

(Rapunzel's hair tangles the man's neck.) 

Man 3: (Screaming) 

Man 2: Oh my God! It's a hair, a very long golden hair! 

(Rapunzel's hair lets the man go, and he lies on the floor dead.) 

Man 2: Holy shi... 

(Rapunzel's hair tangles another man's neck.) 

Man 2: (Screaming) 

Announcer: A dark force unlike any other. It is so dark that it makes the boys want to pee in their pants, and the girls want to scream in horror and cry. 

Woman 2: That Rapunzel killed my husband and my sister with her hair like a noose. 

Man 4: That Rapunzel attacked my children by throwing them off the cliff with her own hair like a slingshot. 

Woman 3: Who's going to stop this madness? 

Announcer: Only one witch can defeat this monstrosity, for she knew her weakness. 

Madame Gothel: I shall go after Rapunzel, and cut off her hair with my scissor of doom. After that, I shall kill her. 

(The people in the kingdom begin to cheer for Madame Gothel.) 

Announcer: Will the brave witch destroy this monstrosity, who uses her hair for the forces of evil, or watch people suffer from her hair? Find out when it comes to theaters this Fall. 

(Rapunzel falling from the tower, after her hair cut off.) 

Rapunzel: (Screaming) (Courtesy to the scene where Mrs. Baylock throws Katherine Thorn out the window from the hospital from the hit Antichrist movie made in 1976, "The Omen.") 

(Rapunzel falls to the ground, and dies.) 

Announcer: Walt Disney Pictures, "Strangled," rated, "R." Some scenes may not be suitable for children under 18. View discretion is advised. 

Announcer: Stay tuned for another sequel, for the witch did not know that the strangler gave birth to her twins, or should I say, "Tangled Twins." 

Tangled Twins: Come climb on my hair, and play with us. Forever, and ever, and ever. 

Announcer: Walt Disney Pictures, "Strangled II: The Tangled Twins," coming to theaters after the 2012 apocalypse (if there is one or not, hopefully not).

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